Method to the madness

As I embark on this herculean task for writing the stories within this month, with already losing out on a week, I have decided to find some method to the madness. As I may not be able to write a story in one sitting, with lots of back-research to be conducted. Yes, I know, I can leave that for later, but then I know myself. If I do not put the effort now, I am unlikely to revise the draft too much.

Even during school and college exams, I seldom used to revise my papers once written!

So, I decided to self-motivate myself, I will keep posting and updating each story as and when I add content to it. That ways, I will also be under pressure to finish the draft. Embarrass myself, remember.

And, yes, my decision to be vulnerable and put myself out there did pay off. Interestingly, people have been DMing me, appreciating my shotstories. An ex-colleague even called up to say how those tales resonated with her and is even connecting me with someone who is planning to launch a content-based relationship counselling platform!

She thought it would be a good idea to kind of make people pause and think about their own relationships through such short, crisp and stark content pieces. She said, my writing made her pause and think that how small things could have helped save her marriage.

I guess creativity emerges best from broken and damaged people.

Point is, this gives me immense courage to now work doubly hard on this book. The bar is set pretty high. Never know, I might be writing the next bestseller! Yeah, blatant self-praise. Who cares.

Will take one day at a time, one story at a time. Words will string, a story will be told, finally.


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