
I cried today. It's okay isn't it, to feel sad and take it out through tears. And I did that, because being brave is fine, but sometimes it's also necessary to be vulnerable, even if it means in front of your own self. My anger also washed away with my tears. People will do what they have to, all I can look at is what I can do, and that's all about it. 

I don't want to accumulate it inside like last time and stress myself out. So yes, as and when I feel the emotions, I will express them accordingly.

There is nothing I can do. It is such a helpless feeling. 

Once I felt empty as I let my emotions flow out, I realised one thing, I didn't run for comfort. It would have been so easy to call up ex and ask for a shoulder to cry on. However, my calls have been clinical, professional, most times, work related. I didn't even think for one second about it. This has been a big detox for me. Yes, I have handled most crisis on my own, but this time around I am doing it all alone.

There isn't a need, but yes, the want is still there. It will always be there. 

Another realisation, love is an answer to everything, even to my helpless situation. Just being with both of them with lots of love, that's all, and praying that may they be blessed with happiness and love, always. 


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