There are times when everything seems futile. Some questions linger. Why do we need to do this? What are we gaining out of all this? Is there a real purpose to anything that we do? Why are we constantly running? What will eventually help in stopping all this?
The feeling of restlessness, wanting to know, trying to break free, getting rid of the limiting beliefs et al have been keeping me up at nights. What's the solution, I keep asking myself.
And this is the answer I got, and somehow I guess, it is just not for me.
Allowing to understand who I am, my emotions, my needs finally is making me see myself with some clarity, letting me peel the layers.
It wasn't easy in the beginning. We are conditioned to believe that we are only this much and we can only achieve as much. And that's not just the physical 3D world. We have forgotten to be limitless. It is there inside us, locked, and we just are too afraid to unlock it. Our limiting beliefs that we can't achieve it or our circumstances and people around us just drag us down further. So, what's the solution?
To be limitless, the first thing to do is to confront our minds, the most powerful of it all, everything happens here. Letting it heal and telling it to remove the limiting filter would help. But, I guess what helps the most is to raise our own vibrations. The more we elevate ourselves, the more we leave these limiting factors - the people, the situations - behind.
No, I haven't achieved it. I keep faltering. I walk a few steps ahead, halt and take a few steps back, but then again, stop myself. I look back to where I have reached so far and tell myself that after all those years of tears, pain and hurt, it wouldn't be worth it to go back, just walk forward, no matter how hard that journey forward is, the path that is being left behind is not the one I want to walk back to.
This path towards being limitless isn't easy. The toil is hard, but I know it will be worthwhile. So, I will keep walking.
And, whenever I get stuck somewhere, this is what I do, because somehow the answers are always within us.
I grab a piece of paper and pen, somehow I always find it better than the notes on mobile or laptop, but everyone has their own preference. So whatever you prefer. Next, I write down whatever my intuition tells me to, I don't think through, just write, kind of automatic writing. In those few moments I pen down everything - good, bad, ugly - that comes into my mind. And almost always, I get my answers, and somehow always, they are very simple.
And if that doesn't help as well I put it out to the universe, because some answers are beyond us and sometimes you need external validation to believe in something, and it never disappoints me.
Go ahead, find out your inner truth and gather enough courage to confront it head-on. It will be uncomfortable, but then, you've got this 🙂
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