Trying to find my balance
I don't want to give any gyaan today, though I may end up giving some too 😛. Today, it's more of boring implementation, what I do to find my balance on an every day basis, and often fail. It gets disorienting, but real life demands your presence. So, I try to follow a schedule to help create some semblance. Most days I get by, some days it does get tough. In those days, I unplug myself. I allow myself to take rest, and just get into my shell, and usually listen to something - mostly some song on repeat. It helps to re-orient myself.
I usually begin my day with music. I have a playlist - a list of devotional songs actually. They center me and calm me down right in the morning. Next comes affirmation - positive thoughts meditation. Then do some light yoga, definitely breathing exercises. It helps in grounding myself, taking away the excess energy. I am not too fussy about food, and mostly eat home-cooked meals. Next, it's work, which consumes the entire day. I usually work out of home, unless have meetings to attend or need to travel. But, I do have my cycles. Some days, if I feel too overwhelmed, I take breaks and work as much as I can. I have cut down stress from my life, it wasn't easy but I have perfected a few techniques over the years - will share some other day. I try to go out for a walk in the evening - I love doing that. I write, I draw and I read. I do keep a lot of thoughts to myself, but I do write, a lot, and love that as well. It just gives an outlet. Most days, I sleep without much issue - dreams are another matter though.
I don't have much to complain about my life. It is good and I am making myself better each day. I love myself a bit more each day. Yes, I do socialize, talk to my friends, hang out, ramble on social media, basically have fun.
This helps me. Do what resonates with you. Take care.
PS: Here's a hack and an unsolicited advice. If there is too much excess physical energy, almost feeling as if the body is on fire, and grounding isn't helping too, take a bath in lukewarm water, mix a handful of salt in it. The salt will essentially remove the excess energy. Of course, cleanse with clean water post that. Don't put the water on your head. Throw away the remaining water. Also, never do this when you are feeling low energy, it will drain out all your energy. Also, limit it to once or twice a week. If this sounds too much or there isn't a bucket at home (eyes roll), take a shower in lukewarm water, especially allowing the water to trickle down the neck and spine. It helps, trust me.
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