There was a time when I had mocked people for certain practices, purely because I had felt superior to them. They looked stupid to me. Because I was the all-knowing human, right. Today as I stand and doing the same practices, I realised how shallow I had been.
When I see the world of money, the layer of superiority, the elites and the exclusive club, I get more clarity about the illusion of it all. I could see the oil floting on the water. It's all futile. Nothing matters.
We will die and with that everything else will become a blip too. I am not afraid to die, was never, especially after a dream one night when I had literally seen myself dying. I had seen my soul leaving the body, while people around me trying to revive me. It was like an out-of-body experience, a painless process, I could see everything that was happening around me without any emotions attached to it. I could have left if I wanted to. That's when I got up and since then death never bothered me. Whenever it comes, will welcome it with open arms.
However, for now, the focus is on living. Till the time one is alive, and no one really knows the expiry date, why not live it, each moment, each day. Forget about right and wrong, good and bad, pain and happiness... Just live, with love, compassion and kindness... That's a life worth living, isn't it?
I am trying to live like that, often fail, but most days I scarp through. Will continue to do so, till it will be time to go home.
Here's something random. In case no one told you lately, you are too cute to blush like that 😊. Still not blushing, okay, listen to this, it's on loop in my playlist.
I should write a story on existential crisis.
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