The 'un-tameables'

You know what's the problem between the world and us? We are the wild free souls that do not care a dime in the world. We love freely, we laugh and falter, but it all comes naturally. We don't put it out, it's what we are inherently. 

And that becomes the disconnect. 

Some feel we are too frivolous, not to be taken seriously. We are the simpleton, the joker in the deck of cards, the clown of Shakespeare - we are filler that is good to have, and most want us. We are the humorous one, making people laugh and smile with our own brand of humour. We are so so so good to have. Isn't it?

What they miss is the pain behind the smile. The years of trauma that taught us not to take life seriously, to not pick every battle, but to subtly win them or sidetrack them with humour. After all, as Wilde had once said and I followed him ardently, "If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you."

We are in vain of ourselves. We are often too good to be true 😉.

At other times, we are the gyani baba, the know-it-all. The only thing missing is an orange robe and we could have started a multi-billion dollar industry! 

While everything is manageable, the biggest issue is that everyone wants a part of us, everyone thinks we are theirs, fully. They refuse to share us with others. 

Yes, we are too good and the attraction is understandable. But, too much of sweetness can make you diabetic or leave an after-taste of bitterness at the end of it all, and then we are turned into villains, the difficult ones, the 'un-tameables'. 

Tell me, what's the need to tame us? Are we domesticated animals? Some pup who is too cute till he plays by the rules, but the moment it barks and bites, as his nature demands, he is suddenly not desirable!

People, we had warned you before. Do not come to us. Do not get attached to us. Do not fall for our exteriors. You are too weak to handle us or even be with us or be at our side. We are the force of nature that will blow away everything in its way. You won't even realise where we have gone before you open your eyes. Now, tell me, can you 'tame' us? 😏

I know, they will still try 🙄.


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