Wish I had told her...

Dear Me (Just tiny bit younger, actually a lot more 😋),

"You know there are some things in life you cannot resist, and I believe you shouldn't too. No matter how messy it could get, how complicated it could become, how much heart break it will result into, few things in life you should not try to control. Just give in to the impulse at that moment, unapologetically, period. 

It's just that head rush moment, where your logic should be overruled by pure raging hormones and you just don't think of anything. That's what youth is all about and you should just act like that, and not like some old, wise, mature person - hell, fuck it! Just do it! 

Make that mistake. Regret it later, maybe or may not, but for God's sake, take that risk, go for it. Stop sorting your life like some responsible adult. Have fun."

Yours truly,
A slightly older version of you! (A self-proclaimed know-it-all, who actually doesn't know a shit 🤫)

Wish I could have told my younger self that. Wish she would have been a bit more impulsive, immature and fun. Wish she had truly been the wild little thing she was from inside (she still is).

She surely should have been a smashing heartbreak! Wish she had been one!


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