You know...
The answer is always within. You know what we want to do, you just need to listen, listen to your inner self. It knows exactly what you want. And worry not, your wisdom will guide you. It will never let you down.
If you still have doubt, maybe this will help:
1. Analyze your life so far and write down the top 3 things that you are really proud of, which you think makes you the person you are today. These are not material things. These are the things that you are / were passionate about, it could be illogical or you may think they are unachievable. Just write them!
2. Now analyze how many things from this top 3 list have you achieved so far or have moved towards.
3. If you had achieved them all, I wouldn't have been writing this blog 😁, so the next step.
4. List down what's holding you back - and don't you write "I am not intelligent or smart enough", because those are exactly what you are smartypants!
5. Mull over the real reasons - self-doubt, fear of failure, insecurity, need for validation (don't you eyeroll).
6. Stop the mopping, because you also know that eventually you will stop the mopping and will just get going, so do that anyway.
7. Summon your friends - Not the external ones, but your tremendous wisdom, your inner knowing, the old soul (I mean ancient actually) and above all, your innate leadership quality. Gather them around, it's time they get to work.
8. Just do it man!
I am, and will always be proud of you. And know that you are not alone. Just remember me, even if it means in your thoughts, and I will be there for you.
Walk the path fearlessly, I am right beside you. 💖
PS: You are in the right direction, just follow your heart.
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