Life and it's strangeness

Am contemplative today, in a calm and sublime mood as I access the people around me. Everyone of them are struggling with something or the other. There is not a single person that I know doesn't have some challenge to deal with. Then again, that's what life is and that has no cure. You have got to live it out, and that too consciously, or else this rut, this cycle becomes endless. 

Last night had a very strong dream. The passion of it is still jolting me from within. And yet I can see it through a thin veil. It told me so many things about myself. What I believed for what I deserved, how I thought that my life is all about mediocre choices, despite others seeing great potential in me. I could never see it for myself, and choose only that which I thought will be appropriate for me, what I thought I deserved - mediocrity for my own perceived mediocrity.

Life is funny that way. And sometimes, what is hidden will always find a way to express itself and if nature has a design for you, no matter what you do, and no matter the divergent path you take, it will make you do a course correction. Somehow, as the saying goes, I am meeting my own destiny on the path I took to avoid it! 

I am giving in to my instincts and strange things are happening, but it's just the beginning. 

Life is happening as it should, only difference, I am now consciously trying to accept it.

And yes, I am still soaking in the overwhelming love that I felt last night. That will do for now.

Remain blessed, forever 🥰


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