Follow your intuition

Today wasn't a good day. After a very long time, I felt physical pain, associated with anxiety. However, I wasn't anxious. It was more to do with dealing with certain blockages. I was restless, felt pain and was jumpy, as if something was happening. I felt huge deluge of energy that somehow was trying to assimilate inside.

This was akin to what I felt when my chakras had opened or whenever I had felt energy downloads. This time I am not able to make sense of it. 

Interestingly, after yesterday's seemingly 'self-reflecting' post, I did get an answer from the Universe. As am still drained out and should possibly sleep now, and would need to decode it later, here's just a jist of it - "I sense a battle between your intuitive and spiritual side and your pragmatic and logical side. It’s a natural step along your way toward spiritual ascension, so don’t worry about it. You can overcome this conundrum by following your sense of natural curiosity."

The need is to focus on intuitions rather than being too logical, and surrender as well. 

It will be fine. I know. Sometimes, you know, without the need for a reason, and that's enough. 

For now, I am pausing, to recharge, to reflect, to understand. 

Blessed Be.


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