
Was writing the 8th story, actually revisited the one that I had written, which is more of a curated content and giving it a better shape. Inspired by the Before trilogy, I just couldn’t get this story out of my mind, the need to talk about certain conversation is required. It is not finished as yet, and frankly speaking I don't know where will this story go as well. I will do that in the second draft. This needs more layers. I have a feeling with this story, I have bit off more than I could chew, but then that's what this is about, pushing my boundaries. 

Need to write one more story and then I am done I guess. That last story is also another pushing off my boundary and that's the reason I am putting it off, but I need to finish that by this weekend as next week will be crazy busy with lots of travel. Let me finally be done with the first draft of the book. 

Sometimes, I wonder why this need for writing this book, why this inane want to do something? Am I filling something with this book? Is there a void that I am not acknowledging? I asked myself that question and the response was, “Nothing.”

Sometimes there is a wish that has no stem or reason to it. This is one such “reason-less” thing.

After long I opened my diary where I had written my bucket list last year. A lot has changed since the last five months, and somehow that list is an assimilation of my desires that I wish universe helps me to fulfil. There are nine items in the list, realistic and achievable. I have started working towards each of them. This book is one of the checklist items that I need to tick.

It’s just this, isn’t it? This whiling away of time, which ironically we don’t know how much we have. It is just so stupid and so sublime at the same time. Reminds me of Scarlett Johansson’s dialogue in Lucy, “Time is the only true unit of measure. It gives proof to the existence of matter. Without time, we don't exist.” That was one mind-blowing movie. However, this brings us to the question of dimensions, much like in the movie “Interstellar.” Then again, movies don’t really do justice. They are what some people imagine how things could be, which may or may not how others perceive. Basically, we just fill our heads with thoughts, which may or may not be relevant, but do tell us that we are capable of thinking and are very much alive.

I didn’t want to take that path yet again, but I guess sometimes you just can’t help it. It is this push and pull of destiny and free-will that often makes me question the purpose, something that the movie, “The Adjustment Bureau” talked about – sorry for the lack of better examples. So, are we really free to choose what we want to and live a random life or is there a pre-determined fate for all of us?

I don’t know the answer, but at times I do feel there is always a causal reason to whatever happens in life. I don’t think there are coincidences in life, given enough data points we will know why something has happened. In a world of AI, maybe it will finally be possible to predict certain things. For others, well, human beings are highly unpredictable species, and pretty resolute too!

I know as much as I want to remain here, peacefully, stagnant, I would need to open up to the world too. I have been pushing myself towards the edge for so long. Now the time has finally arrived to take a deep breath and jump off the cliff. Just need to have faith that finally the wind will favour my flight and help me sour high. As they say faith can move mountains, and mine is based on the solid foundation of love. There is nothing I need to worry about. I will fly!


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